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Writer's pictureKenneth

Self Reflection

Externally, we humans are in an era that provides the most comforts for the most people in all

human history. Yet we are not the most content, joyful, happy or peaceful species on the



As long as your inner life is enslaved to external situations it will remain a precarious condition.

There is no other way for it to be.


Cycles matter. Think about the solar cycle or the lunar cycle. Cycles come around in hours,

weeks, months and years. Memory has no objective existence; it is not existential it is purely

psychological. If you are in a compulsive cycle of reactivity, memory distorts your perception of

the present. Your thoughts, emotions, and reactions become disproportionate to the stimulus.

Do you respond consciously to the present? Or, do you react compulsively to the past?

When ugly things happen to people most become wounded, a victim. Very few become wise.

“I am the way I am because of somebody else.” You are using life situations as an opportunity

to skirt or justify self-destruction, misery, or stagnation. Chaos Junkies…(great name for a band)


1. What is your dominant quality?

2. What is your dominant emotional expression?

3. Describe your personality…

Why is it essential to journal? To understand and visually grasp your cycles or compulsions.

Self-Regard in Social Settings

1. What is your dominant social experience? Online or in person?

2. What kind of personalities or people are you attracted to? (not sexually) What is it you

look for in a friend?

3. What kind of personalities or people do you attract?

Putting It All Together

Think about your identity and how shackled you are to it. You will defend it and justify it. The

base element in identity is judgement. Protecting one’s identity creates a sense of loss, breeds

fear, anger, and hatred; of one’s self and of others. It becomes a club of exclusivity.

“The walls of self-preservation you build today will become the walls of imprisonment


From the Crypt of Prometheus…


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